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Know your Learners Series: Communication Nuances (Part 3)

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

In the past weeks, we have presented phrases that express positive and negative feelings. This week, here are phrases that indicate your learner’s feelings for certain moments. Be familiar with them to be able to adjust your teaching style and modify your learning activities to truly make every lesson a fun one.

Here are phrases that indicate your learner's feelings:

1. Wu liao - 无聊的 (That's boring)

2. Wǒ kàn bù dào- 我看不到 (I can't see)

3. Wǒ kànguòle - 我看过了 (I've seen that!)

Overall, it is significant to learn and understand the student’s feelings to have a productive and smooth-flowing lesson. Remember all the tips provided in this series by heart, and you and your student are sure to benefit from your efforts.

Share your take-away from this series in the comment section: Written by: Lorry Virgo

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