“Teaching children is an accomplishment; getting children excited about learning is an achievement.” –Robert John Meehan
Enthusiasm in the classroom is one of the most essential aspects an online teacher needs to embody. Since you and the student only communicate through the web, you can’t motivate your students if you lack energy, excitement, and a big smile on your face. Often times, being a good ESL teacher is synonymous to being a good actor. That means that even when you’re feeling less enthusiastic than you’d want to be you’ll need to bring your ‘A’ game.
The Importance of Enthusiasm
Nobody wants to go to a lesson with a grumpy teacher. The mood of the teacher will dictate the mood of the students; they will pick up on your state of mind. It’s very important, then, to put on a happy face when you enter AirClass (AC), even on those days when you don’t feel like it. Fake it until you make it and you’ll probably find yourself feeling better soon anyway.
Be enthusiastic. If you are expecting your students to do exercises and activities, you need to show enthusiasm for them yourself. You cannot expect them to want to do something you clearly don’t want to do yourself. Be positive about what’s happening in the classroom and the enthusiasm will rub off on your students.
Learn more ways to ignite enthusiasm in your students by watching this video:
How about you, Teacher? What do you do to spark enthusiasm in the life of your students? Let us know in the comments below Written by: Lorry Virgo
Glad you didn't use one of my videos.. hahaha I'm a bit too enthusiastic for my class. hahahaha
I sing and bring a super exciting attitude to class. It's catchy!
Who writes this stupid shit?
I've been with 51talk for over a year now. I have no problem with getting students until now. My only problem is that I did not finish my TESOL course last month, however an extension was given and I took and finished the course last September 5. But until now I did not receive any response from the staff. My page is still locked since September 2. :( I hope they do something about it very soon.
i make funny moments to entertain students