No one likes complaints. Getting one disturbs your peace of mind all though out the day. Your favorite food suddenly becomes bland; the shows you love watching are suddenly unentertaining. Spare yourself this mental burden and for some emotional struggle by knowing when your learner is not having a ‘good time’ in your lessons.
Have you had a complaint on teaching skill but you are not sure why? Read and discover an important tip to avoid complaints on teaching skill.
Aside from maintaining a professional attitude when teaching, do your best to adjust your teaching style and watch out for the following phrases:
1. Wo bu xihuan - 我不喜欢
2. Bu hao - 不好
3. Wǒ bù míngbái - 我不明白
4. Wǒ bùnéng - 我不能
Look up their translation and how they are said:
When you hear any of those phrases from your learner, do your best to:
- Talk slower for your learner to better understand what you are teaching
- Ask a simple ICQ or CCQ and help your learner understand the lesson better.
Thank you. Read on the next post on other Chinese communication nuances. Written by: Lorry Virgo
Is there a possible way to know if you are having a bad comment?