In light of the recent virus scare, we would like to give you some tips on how to handle discussions about the 2019-NCoV with your students.
As you all know, our students are Chinese and there is no way that they can transmit the virus online. So, teachers please don’t do or say things that will potentially offend the students and their parents.
Here are some tips that will help you show compassion rather than racism.
1. Do not open the topic or start a conversation about the virus.
2. Don’t tell them it’s their fault for being unhygienic. 3. Don’t criticize their food preferences. 4. If your student tells you that he/she is scared for his/her life, don’t downplay their emotions. 5. Don’t tell them the conspiracy theories that are circulating online. 6. Don’t tell stories of racism that are now happening in the Philippines.
7. Share to them how they can avoid getting infected:
- Do frequent hand washing. If there is no access to water and soap, they may use 70% alcohol.
- Cover their nose/mouth when sneezing/coughing.
- Avoid going to crowded areas. If it’s necessary, wear a mask.
- Strengthen their immune system by taking vitamins, drinking plenty of water, and getting 8 hours of sleep.
Let’s all be cautious, but not to the extent of treating the Chinese differently. Do not forget that to have a healthy body, one has to have a healthy mind and soul, too.

Written by: Melanie Lawang